About Transpak
When was Transpak Equipment Corp. founded?
Transpak Equipment Corp. was founded in 1983 specializing in the strapping equipment industry. With continuous development in technology and outstanding customer services, Transpak undoubtedly has become the world’s value leader in the industry. For more information about the history of Transpak, please visit “ABOUT US” on our website.
What products are made by Transpak?
Transpak specializes in developing strapping machines and tools to meet market demands. All products are made in our ISO 9001 certified factory in Taiwan. For more information, please visit “PRODUCTS” on our website.
Where is Transpak’s headquarter and factory located?
Transpak’s headquarter and factory are located in Taiwan since our establishment. We have no intention of moving our production to any developing countries. Different from our competitors in Asia, Europe, and the US who outsource and manufacture machines in other countries such as Malaysia, India, or China for lower labor costs, Transpak is committed to constantly upgrading our technology in Taiwan.
How can I get more information about your products?
You may send an INQUIRY or send an email to transpak@transpak.com.tw and inform us which products you are interested in. We will contact you promptly to address your needs.
What discounts do Transpak offer?
"Quantity" and "Full Container Load" discounts. Transpak was the first company and the only one in the industry that provides full container load discount. You will save a lot by reducing cost with full container load. For more information, please CONTACT US.
What is your exceptional “Full Container Load Discount”?
It offers the most competitive prices and certainly helps you to increase your competitive edge. Details on request.
Do you have “minimum” order per shipment?
We do not have minimum order requirement for your first order. From your subsequent orders, we require a purchase amount of at least USD 5,000 per shipment. If your order does not reach our minimum order requirement, a handling charge of USD 250 will be applied per shipment.
How do you distribute products to the world?
All of our products are sold through our global distributors. We don’t sell directly to the end users.
Are your products expensive?
We offer the best price to performance ratio products on the market! Customers always get the maximum value with the minimum cost.
What does Transpak do to respond the rising Environment issues?
Transpak, as the leading manufacturer of strapping machines in the world, certainly acknowledge our responsibility to protect the Earth. Since 1998, we planted the initial seed of growth for new product development and pledged ourselves to produce environmental friendly machines.
In December 2011, we introduced the environmental mark “GreenTech” as the symbol to represent our commitment to go Green for our only Mother Earth.
We care; We commit; We change! For more information, please click: GreenTech